
What is a Legacy System?

Tech Tips Digital Transformation
January 5th, 2024
Robert Kehoe

A legacy system is a piece of outdated or old computing software that is still in use. While it may be true that the system is still functioning, it may not be up to modern standards and can even cause security risks. Which poses the threat of damaging a company’s bottom line.

Legacy software can also cause issues when it comes to updating systems, which means major headaches. It is for that reason that it is important for a company to keep its software and systems up-to-date. But, there are different reasons why a company may still be using a legacy system. These reasons include things like:

Not Wanting to Change: Change can be difficult, especially when it comes to key software. New systems may have unknown issues and implementing new software can prove to be a challenging task.

Investment: Updating a software system comes with an up-front cost, both in money and manpower. But in the long run, legacy systems may be costing you more or hurting productivity

Data Migration: Safely migrating data and information to a new system is a delicate task. It may seem like a risk, but when done by professionals, the job can be completed properly.

What Problems Can Legacy Systems Cause?

Although there are valid reasons why legacy systems are still in use, the risks and problems associated often outweigh them. Some issues that can come from a legacy piece of software are:

Maintenance Becomes Costly

Any piece of software will require maintenance to continue to function as it should. The cost of maintaining a legacy system will grow and grow over time. Eventually, it may become futile to attempt to keep things running.

There will no longer be updates to the system and there may not be dedicated support to help. All of this happens while the software is not providing innovation or new functionality. Inevitably, this leaves your business facing the death sentence of being stagnant rather than growing.

Compliance is Difficult

Depending on your business, you likely have to stay compliant with a variety of regulations. As these change and evolve, it is important that your systems change and evolve with them. With a legacy system, staying compliant may be next to impossible.

Integrating New Systems

When your company matures, you may find yourself adding new technology. There is no guarantee that your old software will be able to work or interact with this. Businesses using legacy systems will not get all of the benefits they can from updating software and programs.

Security is Put at Risk

In today’s world, security is everything. A data breach can spell disaster for a company. Legacy systems are especially vulnerable to hackers, leaving an open door to your client’s data and information. New software often has better security measures and they also come backed by support teams to help keep things safe.

How Can Active Logic Help With Legacy Systems?

At Active Logic, we are dedicated to your software needs. We have the skills and expertise needed to properly update or rebuild software as needed it. Our team can analyze old code and meet your business’s needs & expectations. We have direct experience in a variety of industries, reflecting our commitment to customer service and satisfaction.

We follow a strict “no offshore” regarding our development staff. This means we can ensure the safe handling of data while providing local, US-based staff members. We understand the complexities of updating old software and modernizing the tools that your company uses. Through our experience, we can dig in and get the task at hand done correctly.

Looking to Update Your Legacy Software?

Our team uses Laravel because of its functionality and efficiency. It helps to speed development which can increase overall productivity. Something that we find our clients have come to appreciate.

Additionally, it comes with serious security benefits. Which aids with data migration among other things. We can also leverage the system to help develop mobile applications on both iOS and Android.

Tasks can also be scheduled out in Laravel. With different additions, periodically executed tasks can be implemented. Compared to other frameworks, the built-in ORM implementation is considered one of the best Object-Relational Mapper. You can interact with database objects using expressive syntax.

Because of Laravel’s open nature, systems like Google Cloud and Amazon Cloud can be worked with. Due to its MIT License, users have expressive permission to reuse code for any purpose. Even if that code may be part of proprietary software.

How Can Active Logic Help With Your Software Needs?

If your company is operating on a legacy system or you have found generic software is not cutting it, we encourage you to contact our team. We follow a “no off-shore” mentality at our organization. And that means you will have friendly, local support throughout the software development process. By opting to use our services, you will have a dedicated Software Lead to handle communication with anything project-related.

Our developers have experience working with a variety of industries. Giving us unique insight and perspective into our operations. Reach out today in order to learn more. We operate with offices in both Kansas City and Miami. Demonstrating the success and dedication of our team.

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